Horsham in Bloom

Although the town does not seem to be entering the event any more (although check http://horshaminbloom.org.uk/ ) there are good displays in hanging baskets and flower beds close to the town centre.

The display below is close to Fat Face and Boots in the Carfax and is in the flower bed that used to have a tree in it.

Horsham in Bloom 2018

Horsham in Bloom Forum Event

On Saturday 7th June Horsham in Bloom held an event in the Forum answering questions from the public on gardening issues.

Horsham in Bloom


The event was supplemented by the appearance of a ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ Captain Jack Sparrow lookalike in the Carfax. He was happy to camp it up for photos and was promoting Taylor Made Uniforms. Here he is:

Captain Jack Sparrow Lookalike

Meanwhile in the Carfax Bandstand ‘The Audacity’ were performing songs from the 50s onwards.

The Audacity


 Some watched from the Carfax and others from the café above the newly opened Horsham Enoteca overlooking the bandstand

Horsham Enoteca